Why aren't my bees making honey? How do bees make more honey?


I am a novice beekeeper and I have about 18 colonies of bees. Last year on Labor day I was given 5 hives of bees and then this summer they did not make any honey at all. I did not like them at all so I raised some queens and requeened 3 of them this summer and in the spring I was given a swarm of bees, and at the same place I was given a box of bees. Well, the box I put in a good hive and the swarm in another. Now what I would like to know is this. The two hives I did not requeen and the box and swarm all started to take right off and make honey and raise brood just like a good colony. Last month when I checked them they were in pretty good shape with a good store of honey and brood. Then today I checked them and they did not have any honey at all. I mean they were empty of honey. But they had plenty of brood in all stages and they did not look like they have been robbed out at all, but like they had eaten all the honey. Could you tell me what has happened?
Your complaint is not uncommon this year. Many beekeepers report a very light crop of honey. During a period in which there is no honeyflow, even in the summer, the bees are forced to use the honey which they had previously stored. If your colony is headed by a good queen and there is food available, the bees will see to it that any brood in the hive will be provided for. All of your honey has gone into brood. You may find it necessary to feed the bees this fall.


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