How honey is sold

At a grocery store you can find different kinds of honey: comb, liquid, and creamed honey Comb honey is sold in pieces of comb that have been cut apart and packaged.

Liquid and creamed honey are sold in jars and bottles. Liquid honey is gold-colored, clear, and runny. Creamed honey is light yellow or white and very thick.

How WAX is used

After beekeepers remove the honey from the wax combs, they put them in a wax melter and place it in sunlight. The sun melts the wax, and it becomes a liquid. The hot liquid wax runs down through a filter that removes any dirt. The filtered wax drips into a container.

As the wax cools, it hardens into a solid block. The beekeeper sells the blocks of wax to factories, where the wax is used to make many kinds of products.


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